Get In Touch
A Fully Remote Workspace
Hölmetrics has embraced a fully remote workplace. We have no office. Our team is spread out throughout Canada.
Our founders live in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
Where We Live and Work
We acknowledge that we are building our company on Treaty 6 and 7 territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place and travelling route to the Cree, Saulteaux (So-toe), Métis, Dene (De-nay), Nakota Sioux (Sue), Blackfoot Nations including Siksika (Sick-sick-ah), Piikani (Pee-can-ee), and Kainai (Kigh-a-nigh), the Tsuut’ina (Soot- ina) Nation and Stoney Nakoda First Nations. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose innovative nature have lead the way for entrepreneurs.